Брошюра. The Treatment and conditions of pit ponies [Text] : being a series of correspondence published in "The Yorkshire evening news", "The Yorkshire Telegraph and star" ... etc. / by those who know. / the National Equine Defence League. - London : St.C — 9060986

Брошюра. The Treatment and conditions of pit ponies [Text] : being a series of correspondence published in "The Yorkshire evening news", "The Yorkshire Telegraph and star" ... etc. / by those who know. / the National Equine Defence League. - London : St.C
Брошюра. The Treatment and conditions of pit ponies [Text] : being a series of correspondence published in "The Yorkshire evening news", "The Yorkshire Telegraph and star" ... etc. / by those who know. / the National Equine Defence League. - London : St.C
Брошюра. The Treatment and conditions of pit ponies [Text] : being a series of correspondence published in "The Yorkshire evening news", "The Yorkshire Telegraph and star" ... etc. / by those who know. / the National Equine Defence League. - London : St.C
Брошюра. The Treatment and conditions of pit ponies [Text] : being a series of correspondence published in "The Yorkshire evening news", "The Yorkshire Telegraph and star" ... etc. / by those who know. / the National Equine Defence League. - London : St.C
Брошюра. The Treatment and conditions of pit ponies [Text] : being a series of correspondence published in "The Yorkshire evening news", "The Yorkshire Telegraph and star" ... etc. / by those who know. / the National Equine Defence League. - London : St.C
В издательской шрифтовой обложке голубого цвета. На с. 1 обложки в линейной рамке типографским шрифтом черного цвета разного размера даны библиографические сведения на английском языке; на с. 1-2 в линейных рамках - название брошюры, ее содержание и состав Национальной лиги защиты лошадей; текст брошюры в три колонки; вложены два издания The National equine defence league. The Conditions and treatment of pit ponies - 4 с. 1909 и 2 с. 1910 с текстом в две колонки.


  • Адрес: обл Тульская, р-н Щекинский, д Ясная Поляна