Persepolis illustrata; or the Ancien and Royal Palace of Persepolis in Persia, destroyed by Alexander the Great, About Tho Thoufand Years ago; with particular Remark cocerning that Palace, and an Account of the ancient autors, who have wrote thereupo — 5826019

Persepolis illustrata; or the Ancien and Royal Palace of Persepolis in Persia, destroyed by Alexander the Great, About Tho Thoufand Years ago; with particular Remark cocerning that Palace, and an Account of the ancient autors, who have wrote thereupo
крышки переплета - полукожа, бордово-голубая индийская бумага по картону, уголки крыышек - коричневая кожа, переплет - коричневая кожа, форзацы - белая бумага, блок - белая бумага, обрез некрашеный


  • Адрес: обл Московская, р-н Красногорский, п/о Архангельское