Фотогравюра. A. Plastic decoration in the lower part of the auditorium, along the western wall. Measured and drawn by Ingeborg Waern-Bugge. B. Section C-D through the theatre building as shown by plan on Plate 24. Measured by A. Moller and E. Rockstrom, d — 11398983

Фотогравюра. A. Plastic decoration in the lower part of the auditorium, along the western wall. Measured and drawn by Ingeborg Waern-Bugge. B. Section C-D through the theatre building as shown by plan on Plate 24. Measured by A. Moller and E. Rockstrom, d
Фотогравюра. A. Plastic decoration in the lower part of the auditorium, along the western wall. Measured and drawn by Ingeborg Waern-Bugge. B. Section C-D through the theatre building as shown by plan on Plate 24. Measured by A. Moller and E. Rockstrom, d


  • Адрес: г Москва, г Москва, ул Останкинская 1-я, д 5