Brief sketch of the system of military colonization in Russia, recently established by His Imperial Majesty Alexander, Emperor of all the Russias. Брошюра — 10761244

Brief sketch of the system of military colonization in Russia, recently established by His Imperial Majesty Alexander, Emperor of all the Russias. Брошюра
Brief sketch of the system of military colonization in Russia, recently established by His Imperial Majesty Alexander, Emperor of all the Russias. Брошюра
В твердом переплёте, сторонки серого картона, корешок коричневого коленкора; на верхней сторонке надпись чернилами - название брошюры


  • Адрес: г Санкт-Петербург, г Пушкин, ул Садовая, д 7