Книга. Sinclair, John George Tollemache. Free trade. Not taxed food [Text] : with selected and abridged extracts from newspapers, speeches, and reviews on these subjects, and proofs that the British working classes are more prosperous than those of the Un — 19506743

Книга. Sinclair, John George Tollemache. Free trade. Not taxed food [Text] : with selected and abridged extracts from newspapers, speeches, and reviews on these subjects, and proofs that the British working classes are more prosperous than those of the Un
Книга. Sinclair, John George Tollemache. Free trade. Not taxed food [Text] : with selected and abridged extracts from newspapers, speeches, and reviews on these subjects, and proofs that the British working classes are more prosperous than those of the Un
Книга. Sinclair, John George Tollemache. Free trade. Not taxed food [Text] : with selected and abridged extracts from newspapers, speeches, and reviews on these subjects, and proofs that the British working classes are more prosperous than those of the Un
Книга. Sinclair, John George Tollemache. Free trade. Not taxed food [Text] : with selected and abridged extracts from newspapers, speeches, and reviews on these subjects, and proofs that the British working classes are more prosperous than those of the Un
Книга. Sinclair, John George Tollemache. Free trade. Not taxed food [Text] : with selected and abridged extracts from newspapers, speeches, and reviews on these subjects, and proofs that the British working classes are more prosperous than those of the Un
Книга. Sinclair, John George Tollemache. Free trade. Not taxed food [Text] : with selected and abridged extracts from newspapers, speeches, and reviews on these subjects, and proofs that the British working classes are more prosperous than those of the Un
В издательском комбинированном переплете красного цвета. Переплетные крышки картонные, корешок коленкоровый; на верхней переплетной крышке черным типографским шрифтом разного вида и размера даны библиографические сведения и тематическая информация на английском языке, на нижней переплетной крышке - сведения по теме издания и диаграмма; на корешке - автор, заглавие и тематическая информация; форзац и нахзац белые, на форзаце справа - дарственная надпись (рукой автора черными чернилами); титульный лист шрифтовой (черной печатью), дублирует сведения обложки.


  • Адрес: обл Тульская, р-н Щекинский, д Ясная Поляна