Книга. Ephtaliotes, Argyres. Tales from the isles of Greece [Text] : being sketches of modern Greek peasant life / translated from the Greek of Argyris Ephtaliotis by W.H.D.Rouse. - L. : Published by J.M.Dent & Co., 1897 ([Edinburgh] : [Print. Turnbull an — 19506809

Книга. Ephtaliotes, Argyres. Tales from the isles of Greece [Text] : being sketches of modern Greek peasant life / translated from the Greek of Argyris Ephtaliotis by W.H.D.Rouse. - L. : Published by J.M.Dent & Co., 1897 ([Edinburgh] : [Print. Turnbull an
Книга. Ephtaliotes, Argyres. Tales from the isles of Greece [Text] : being sketches of modern Greek peasant life / translated from the Greek of Argyris Ephtaliotis by W.H.D.Rouse. - L. : Published by J.M.Dent & Co., 1897 ([Edinburgh] : [Print. Turnbull an
Книга. Ephtaliotes, Argyres. Tales from the isles of Greece [Text] : being sketches of modern Greek peasant life / translated from the Greek of Argyris Ephtaliotis by W.H.D.Rouse. - L. : Published by J.M.Dent & Co., 1897 ([Edinburgh] : [Print. Turnbull an
Книга. Ephtaliotes, Argyres. Tales from the isles of Greece [Text] : being sketches of modern Greek peasant life / translated from the Greek of Argyris Ephtaliotis by W.H.D.Rouse. - L. : Published by J.M.Dent & Co., 1897 ([Edinburgh] : [Print. Turnbull an
Книга. Ephtaliotes, Argyres. Tales from the isles of Greece [Text] : being sketches of modern Greek peasant life / translated from the Greek of Argyris Ephtaliotis by W.H.D.Rouse. - L. : Published by J.M.Dent & Co., 1897 ([Edinburgh] : [Print. Turnbull an
Книга. Ephtaliotes, Argyres. Tales from the isles of Greece [Text] : being sketches of modern Greek peasant life / translated from the Greek of Argyris Ephtaliotis by W.H.D.Rouse. - L. : Published by J.M.Dent & Co., 1897 ([Edinburgh] : [Print. Turnbull an
Книга. Ephtaliotes, Argyres. Tales from the isles of Greece [Text] : being sketches of modern Greek peasant life / translated from the Greek of Argyris Ephtaliotis by W.H.D.Rouse. - L. : Published by J.M.Dent & Co., 1897 ([Edinburgh] : [Print. Turnbull an
В издательском коленкоровом переплёте голубовато-серого цвета с тиснением. На корешке указаны краткие библиографические сведения (золототиснением), форзац и нахзац белые, на титульном листе типографским шрифтом разного вида и размера даны библиографические сведения на английском языке (красной и черной печатью), в нижней части - издательская марка, на авантитуле - заглавие, на фронтисписе гравированная иллюстрация (c сохранным листом белой папиросной бумаги): "A Greek Peasant" [Греческий крестьянин].


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