Книга. Voysey, Charles. The "Sling and the stone" [Text]. Vol. 10 : Revelation tested on moral grounds; The Bible and modern criticism; On the book entitled Lux Mundi; The voice of God / by Charles Voysey. - .London; Edinburg : Williams & Norgate, 1893. - — 19506835

Книга. Voysey, Charles. The "Sling and the stone" [Text]. Vol. 10 : Revelation tested on moral grounds; The Bible and modern criticism; On the book entitled Lux Mundi; The voice of God / by Charles Voysey. - .London; Edinburg : Williams & Norgate, 1893. -
Книга. Voysey, Charles. The "Sling and the stone" [Text]. Vol. 10 : Revelation tested on moral grounds; The Bible and modern criticism; On the book entitled Lux Mundi; The voice of God / by Charles Voysey. - .London; Edinburg : Williams & Norgate, 1893. -
Книга. Voysey, Charles. The "Sling and the stone" [Text]. Vol. 10 : Revelation tested on moral grounds; The Bible and modern criticism; On the book entitled Lux Mundi; The voice of God / by Charles Voysey. - .London; Edinburg : Williams & Norgate, 1893. -
Книга. Voysey, Charles. The "Sling and the stone" [Text]. Vol. 10 : Revelation tested on moral grounds; The Bible and modern criticism; On the book entitled Lux Mundi; The voice of God / by Charles Voysey. - .London; Edinburg : Williams & Norgate, 1893. -
Книга. Voysey, Charles. The "Sling and the stone" [Text]. Vol. 10 : Revelation tested on moral grounds; The Bible and modern criticism; On the book entitled Lux Mundi; The voice of God / by Charles Voysey. - .London; Edinburg : Williams & Norgate, 1893. -
Книга. Voysey, Charles. The "Sling and the stone" [Text]. Vol. 10 : Revelation tested on moral grounds; The Bible and modern criticism; On the book entitled Lux Mundi; The voice of God / by Charles Voysey. - .London; Edinburg : Williams & Norgate, 1893. -
Книга. Voysey, Charles. The "Sling and the stone" [Text]. Vol. 10 : Revelation tested on moral grounds; The Bible and modern criticism; On the book entitled Lux Mundi; The voice of God / by Charles Voysey. - .London; Edinburg : Williams & Norgate, 1893. -
Книга. Voysey, Charles. The "Sling and the stone" [Text]. Vol. 10 : Revelation tested on moral grounds; The Bible and modern criticism; On the book entitled Lux Mundi; The voice of God / by Charles Voysey. - .London; Edinburg : Williams & Norgate, 1893. -
В цельноколенкоровом издательском переплете синего цвета с тиснением. Переплетные крышки декорированы орнаментально-декоративными рамками (слепым тиснением), на корешке - краткие библиографические сведения (золототиснением), книжный блок скруглен форзац и нахзац желтые; на титульном листе черным типографским шрифтом разного вида и размера даны библиографические сведения на английском языке, на авантитуле - краткое заглавие; на с. [1] в конце пагинации - информация о других сочинениях автора.


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