A picturesque representation of the manners, customs, and amusements of the Russians in one hundred coloured plates with an accurate explanation of each plate in English and French. In three volumes. By John Augustus Atkinson and James Walker. Vol. I. L — 19261701

A picturesque representation of the manners, customs, and amusements of the Russians in one hundred coloured plates with an accurate explanation of each plate in English and French. In three volumes. By John Augustus Atkinson and James Walker.  Vol. I.  L
A picturesque representation of the manners, customs, and amusements of the Russians in one hundred coloured plates with an accurate explanation of each plate in English and French. In three volumes. By John Augustus Atkinson and James Walker.  Vol. I.  L
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  • Адрес: г Москва, г Москва, ул Юности, д 2