Журнал. Help and food for the household of faith [Text] : a monthly periodical, to serve as channel to the gifts which Christ has given for his Church. Vol. 12, № 12 (December) / [Samuel Ridout, editor]. - New York ; London : Loizeaux Brothers : WM. Blatc — 19063379

Журнал. Help and food for the household of faith [Text] : a monthly periodical, to serve as channel to the gifts which Christ has given for his Church. Vol. 12, № 12 (December) / [Samuel Ridout, editor]. - New York ; London : Loizeaux Brothers : WM. Blatc
Журнал. Help and food for the household of faith [Text] : a monthly periodical, to serve as channel to the gifts which Christ has given for his Church. Vol. 12, № 12 (December) / [Samuel Ridout, editor]. - New York ; London : Loizeaux Brothers : WM. Blatc
Журнал. Help and food for the household of faith [Text] : a monthly periodical, to serve as channel to the gifts which Christ has given for his Church. Vol. 12, № 12 (December) / [Samuel Ridout, editor]. - New York ; London : Loizeaux Brothers : WM. Blatc
Журнал. Help and food for the household of faith [Text] : a monthly periodical, to serve as channel to the gifts which Christ has given for his Church. Vol. 12, № 12 (December) / [Samuel Ridout, editor]. - New York ; London : Loizeaux Brothers : WM. Blatc
Журнал. Help and food for the household of faith [Text] : a monthly periodical, to serve as channel to the gifts which Christ has given for his Church. Vol. 12, № 12 (December) / [Samuel Ridout, editor]. - New York ; London : Loizeaux Brothers : WM. Blatc
Ежемесячный журнал в издательской шрифтовой обложке белого цвета. На с. 1 обложки в линейных рамках с фигурными уголками типографским шрифтом черного цвета разного размера даны библиографические сведения на английском языке, в середине цитата из послания к Ефесянам, на с. 2 обращение к читателю, на с. 3 - 4 издательский анонс; ; пагинация продолжающегося издания; на четырех непагинированных страницах в середине номера бланк заказа на подписку журналов, календарей и альманахов; в верхнем колонтитуле название разделов; со следами сложения вдвое вдоль.


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