Брошюра. Eleventh annual report of the National Anti-vaccination League [Text] : to be presented to members and delegates at the annual conference, to be held at Caxton Hall, Westminster, on Tuesday, March 5th, 1907. - London : [National Anti-vaccination — 19063359

Брошюра. Eleventh annual report of the National Anti-vaccination League [Text] : to be presented to members and delegates at the annual conference, to be held at Caxton Hall, Westminster, on Tuesday, March 5th, 1907. - London : [National Anti-vaccination
Брошюра. Eleventh annual report of the National Anti-vaccination League [Text] : to be presented to members and delegates at the annual conference, to be held at Caxton Hall, Westminster, on Tuesday, March 5th, 1907. - London : [National Anti-vaccination
Брошюра. Eleventh annual report of the National Anti-vaccination League [Text] : to be presented to members and delegates at the annual conference, to be held at Caxton Hall, Westminster, on Tuesday, March 5th, 1907. - London : [National Anti-vaccination
Брошюра. Eleventh annual report of the National Anti-vaccination League [Text] : to be presented to members and delegates at the annual conference, to be held at Caxton Hall, Westminster, on Tuesday, March 5th, 1907. - London : [National Anti-vaccination
Брошюра. Eleventh annual report of the National Anti-vaccination League [Text] : to be presented to members and delegates at the annual conference, to be held at Caxton Hall, Westminster, on Tuesday, March 5th, 1907. - London : [National Anti-vaccination
В издательской шрифтовой обложке белого цвета. На с. 1 обложки типографским шрифтом черного цвета разного размера даны библиографические сведения на английском языке, на с. [3] сведение о типографии; каждый раздел заканчивается концовкой в виде виньетки или гравюры; со следами сложения вдвое вдоль.


  • Адрес: обл Тульская, р-н Щекинский, д Ясная Поляна