Книга. Rosenberg Louis James, Nugent, Thomas. Euthanasia [Text] : a medicolegal study / Louis J. Rosenberg ... and N.E. Aranson ... / reprinted from The Journal of the American medical association, January 12, 1901. - Detroit : [American medical associati — 19063361

Книга. Rosenberg Louis James, Nugent, Thomas. Euthanasia [Text] : a medicolegal study / Louis J. Rosenberg ... and N.E. Aranson ... / reprinted from The Journal of the American medical association, January 12, 1901. - Detroit : [American medical associati
Книга. Rosenberg Louis James, Nugent, Thomas. Euthanasia [Text] : a medicolegal study / Louis J. Rosenberg ... and N.E. Aranson ... / reprinted from The Journal of the American medical association, January 12, 1901. - Detroit : [American medical associati
Книга. Rosenberg Louis James, Nugent, Thomas. Euthanasia [Text] : a medicolegal study / Louis J. Rosenberg ... and N.E. Aranson ... / reprinted from The Journal of the American medical association, January 12, 1901. - Detroit : [American medical associati
Книга. Rosenberg Louis James, Nugent, Thomas. Euthanasia [Text] : a medicolegal study / Louis J. Rosenberg ... and N.E. Aranson ... / reprinted from The Journal of the American medical association, January 12, 1901. - Detroit : [American medical associati
Книга. Rosenberg Louis James, Nugent, Thomas. Euthanasia [Text] : a medicolegal study / Louis J. Rosenberg ... and N.E. Aranson ... / reprinted from The Journal of the American medical association, January 12, 1901. - Detroit : [American medical associati
В издательской шрифтовой обложке красно-коричневого цвета. На с. 1 обложки типографским шрифтом черного цвета разного размера даны библиографические сведения на английском языке, в середине, слева, слегка наискось, черными чернилами дарственная надпись авторов; в заголовочной части продублированы сведения с обложки, в конце текста данные о перепечатке; со следами сложения втрое поперек.


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