Брошюра. MacCormick, Ernest. Is vaccination a disastrous delusion ? [Text] / by Ernest McCormick. - Second edition / (reprinted, with additions, from The Westminster Gazette, August, 1904). - London : The National Anti-vaccination League, 1909 ([Bristol] — 19063404

Брошюра. MacCormick, Ernest. Is vaccination a disastrous delusion ? [Text] / by Ernest McCormick. - Second edition / (reprinted, with additions, from The Westminster Gazette, August, 1904). - London : The National Anti-vaccination League, 1909 ([Bristol]
Брошюра. MacCormick, Ernest. Is vaccination a disastrous delusion ? [Text] / by Ernest McCormick. - Second edition / (reprinted, with additions, from The Westminster Gazette, August, 1904). - London : The National Anti-vaccination League, 1909 ([Bristol]
Брошюра. MacCormick, Ernest. Is vaccination a disastrous delusion ? [Text] / by Ernest McCormick. - Second edition / (reprinted, with additions, from The Westminster Gazette, August, 1904). - London : The National Anti-vaccination League, 1909 ([Bristol]
Брошюра. MacCormick, Ernest. Is vaccination a disastrous delusion ? [Text] / by Ernest McCormick. - Second edition / (reprinted, with additions, from The Westminster Gazette, August, 1904). - London : The National Anti-vaccination League, 1909 ([Bristol]
Брошюра. MacCormick, Ernest. Is vaccination a disastrous delusion ? [Text] / by Ernest McCormick. - Second edition / (reprinted, with additions, from The Westminster Gazette, August, 1904). - London : The National Anti-vaccination League, 1909 ([Bristol]
Брошюра. MacCormick, Ernest. Is vaccination a disastrous delusion ? [Text] / by Ernest McCormick. - Second edition / (reprinted, with additions, from The Westminster Gazette, August, 1904). - London : The National Anti-vaccination League, 1909 ([Bristol]
Брошюра. MacCormick, Ernest. Is vaccination a disastrous delusion ? [Text] / by Ernest McCormick. - Second edition / (reprinted, with additions, from The Westminster Gazette, August, 1904). - London : The National Anti-vaccination League, 1909 ([Bristol]
В издательской шрифтовой обложке серо-зеленого цвета. На с. 1 обложки в линейной рамке типографским шрифтом черного цвета разного размера даны библиографические сведения на английском языке, на с. 2 процитировано письмо автору от читателя, на с. 3 обложки сведение о типографии; на титульном листе продублированы все данные с обложки, на его обороте примечание ко второму изданию, на авантитуле название брошюры; в верхнем колонтитуле название; на полях маргиналии в форме подзаголовков; на с. 7 загнут нижний уголок (глава "Риски вакцинации"); на непагинированных страницах алфавитный указатель.


  • Адрес: обл Тульская, р-н Щекинский, д Ясная Поляна