A journey through Spain in the years 1786 and 1787; with particular attention to the agriculture, manufactures, commerce, population, taxes, and revenue of that country; and remarks in passing through a part of France. By Joseph Townsend, A. M. rector of — 18783317

A journey through Spain in the years 1786 and 1787; with particular attention to the agriculture, manufactures, commerce, population, taxes, and revenue of that country; and remarks in passing through a part of France. By Joseph Townsend, A. M. rector of
A journey through Spain in the years 1786 and 1787; with particular attention to the agriculture, manufactures, commerce, population, taxes, and revenue of that country; and remarks in passing through a part of France. By Joseph Townsend, A. M. rector of
Переплет картонажный, с кожаным корешком и уголками, с аппликацией на корешке и золотым тиснением названия, № тома, узора в виде полосок и нициалов "В.Н."


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