Книга. Willson, Marcius. Willson's larger speller [Text] : a progressive course of lessons in spelling, arranged according to the principles of orthoepy and grammar : With exercises in synonyms, for reading, spelling, and writing; and a new system of defi — 18741763

Книга. Willson, Marcius. Willson's larger speller [Text] : a progressive course of lessons in spelling, arranged according to the principles of orthoepy and grammar : With exercises in synonyms, for reading, spelling, and writing; and a new system of defi
Книга. Willson, Marcius. Willson's larger speller [Text] : a progressive course of lessons in spelling, arranged according to the principles of orthoepy and grammar : With exercises in synonyms, for reading, spelling, and writing; and a new system of defi
Книга. Willson, Marcius. Willson's larger speller [Text] : a progressive course of lessons in spelling, arranged according to the principles of orthoepy and grammar : With exercises in synonyms, for reading, spelling, and writing; and a new system of defi
Книга. Willson, Marcius. Willson's larger speller [Text] : a progressive course of lessons in spelling, arranged according to the principles of orthoepy and grammar : With exercises in synonyms, for reading, spelling, and writing; and a new system of defi
Книга. Willson, Marcius. Willson's larger speller [Text] : a progressive course of lessons in spelling, arranged according to the principles of orthoepy and grammar : With exercises in synonyms, for reading, spelling, and writing; and a new system of defi
Книга. Willson, Marcius. Willson's larger speller [Text] : a progressive course of lessons in spelling, arranged according to the principles of orthoepy and grammar : With exercises in synonyms, for reading, spelling, and writing; and a new system of defi
Книга. Willson, Marcius. Willson's larger speller [Text] : a progressive course of lessons in spelling, arranged according to the principles of orthoepy and grammar : With exercises in synonyms, for reading, spelling, and writing; and a new system of defi
В издательском коленкоровом переплете. Переплетные крышки картонные коричнево-желтого цвета, корешок коленкоровый, темно-коричневый; на верхней переплетной крышке на фоне художественного сюжетно- тематического обрамления - черным типографским шрифтом разного вида и размера даны библиографические сведения на английском языке, на нижней переплетной крышке - перечень изданий серии; форзац и нахзац белые; титульный лист дублирует сведения и оформление обложки (черной печатью), на обороте титульного листа - содержание; в начале и в конце книжного блока - сохранный лист.


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