Swift Jonathan. Letters, written by Jonathan Swift,... and several of his friends. From the year 1703 70 1740. Published from the originals; with notes explanatory and historical, Vol. 1. /By John Hawkesworth,...- The 6th ed.- London. Printed for T. Davie — 17897316

Swift Jonathan. Letters, written by Jonathan Swift,... and several of his friends. From the year 1703 70 1740. Published from the originals; with notes explanatory and historical, Vol. 1. /By John Hawkesworth,...- The 6th ed.- London. Printed for T. Davie
Swift Jonathan. Letters, written by Jonathan Swift,... and several of his friends. From the year 1703 70 1740. Published from the originals; with notes explanatory and historical, Vol. 1. /By John Hawkesworth,...- The 6th ed.- London. Printed for T. Davie
Цельнокожаный переплет с 4-мя бинтами. На корешке тисн. золотом номер тома, орнамент, красная кожаная наклейка с вытисн. золотом «SWIFT'S | WORKS»; компартимент с номером тома тонирован. На сторонках тисн. золотом двойные линейные рамки. Блинт. тисн. на торцах сторонок. Обрез с красным крапом.


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