Брошюра. Kellogg John Harvey. Tuberculosis [Text] : relation of the disease in the milk and flesh of animals to the same malady in human beings / by J.H.Kellogg ... - reprinted from The Proceedings of the National life stock sanitary convention held in Wa — 17730473

Брошюра. Kellogg John Harvey. Tuberculosis [Text] : relation of the disease in the milk and flesh of animals to the same malady in human beings / by J.H.Kellogg ... - reprinted from The Proceedings of the National life stock sanitary convention held in Wa
Брошюра. Kellogg John Harvey. Tuberculosis [Text] : relation of the disease in the milk and flesh of animals to the same malady in human beings / by J.H.Kellogg ... - reprinted from The Proceedings of the National life stock sanitary convention held in Wa
Брошюра. Kellogg John Harvey. Tuberculosis [Text] : relation of the disease in the milk and flesh of animals to the same malady in human beings / by J.H.Kellogg ... - reprinted from The Proceedings of the National life stock sanitary convention held in Wa
Брошюра. Kellogg John Harvey. Tuberculosis [Text] : relation of the disease in the milk and flesh of animals to the same malady in human beings / by J.H.Kellogg ... - reprinted from The Proceedings of the National life stock sanitary convention held in Wa
Брошюра. Kellogg John Harvey. Tuberculosis [Text] : relation of the disease in the milk and flesh of animals to the same malady in human beings / by J.H.Kellogg ... - reprinted from The Proceedings of the National life stock sanitary convention held in Wa
В издательской шрифтовой обложке коричневого цвета. На с. 1 обложки в левом верхнем углу в небольшой линейной рамке типографским шрифтом черного цвета разного размера даны библиографические сведения на английском языке; на с. [1] в заголовочной части - полное название брошюры, в колонтитуле - краткое.


  • Адрес: обл Тульская, р-н Щекинский, д Ясная Поляна