Брошюра. Kellogg John Harvey. The "Sanitarium method" of dealing with chronic invalids [Text] / by J.H.Kellogg ... - reprinted from the Journal of the American medical association of Sept. 19. 1896. - [Battle Creek (Mich.)] : [Modern medicine pub. Co.], [ — 17730482

Брошюра. Kellogg John Harvey. The "Sanitarium method" of dealing with chronic invalids [Text] / by J.H.Kellogg ... - reprinted from the Journal of the American medical association of Sept. 19. 1896. - [Battle Creek (Mich.)] : [Modern medicine pub. Co.], [
Брошюра. Kellogg John Harvey. The "Sanitarium method" of dealing with chronic invalids [Text] / by J.H.Kellogg ... - reprinted from the Journal of the American medical association of Sept. 19. 1896. - [Battle Creek (Mich.)] : [Modern medicine pub. Co.], [
Брошюра. Kellogg John Harvey. The "Sanitarium method" of dealing with chronic invalids [Text] / by J.H.Kellogg ... - reprinted from the Journal of the American medical association of Sept. 19. 1896. - [Battle Creek (Mich.)] : [Modern medicine pub. Co.], [
Без обложки. На с. [1] в заголовочной части типографским шрифтом черного цвета разного размера дана часть библиографических сведений на английском языке; в колонтитуле краткое название брошюры.


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