Брошюра. Barry Alfred. Do the interests of mankind require experiments on living animals? If so, up to what point are they justifiable? [Text] : paper read at the Church congress at Folkestone, october 6, 1892 / by Alfred Barry / reprinted by permission o — 17530119

Брошюра. Barry Alfred. Do the interests of mankind require experiments on living animals? If so, up to what point are they justifiable? [Text] : paper read at the Church congress at Folkestone, october 6, 1892 / by Alfred Barry / reprinted by permission o
Брошюра. Barry Alfred. Do the interests of mankind require experiments on living animals? If so, up to what point are they justifiable? [Text] : paper read at the Church congress at Folkestone, october 6, 1892 / by Alfred Barry / reprinted by permission o
Брошюра. Barry Alfred. Do the interests of mankind require experiments on living animals? If so, up to what point are they justifiable? [Text] : paper read at the Church congress at Folkestone, october 6, 1892 / by Alfred Barry / reprinted by permission o
Брошюра. Barry Alfred. Do the interests of mankind require experiments on living animals? If so, up to what point are they justifiable? [Text] : paper read at the Church congress at Folkestone, october 6, 1892 / by Alfred Barry / reprinted by permission o
Без обложки. На титульном листе черным шрифтом разного вида и размера даны библиографические сведения на английском языке; на с. [3] - в заголовочной части - краткие библиографические сведения.


  • Адрес: обл Тульская, р-н Щекинский, д Ясная Поляна