Брошюра. Furnival William James. The Conscientions objecto: Who he is! What he has! What he wants! And why! [Text] / by W.J.Furnival. - Stone (Staffordshire) : Publ. at by the author, 1902. - 16 p. - One penny. Без обложки — 17165284

Брошюра. Furnival William James. The Conscientions objecto: Who he is! What he has! What he wants! And why! [Text] / by W.J.Furnival. - Stone (Staffordshire) : Publ. at by the author, 1902. - 16 p. - One penny. Без обложки
Брошюра. Furnival William James. The Conscientions objecto: Who he is! What he has! What he wants! And why! [Text] / by W.J.Furnival. - Stone (Staffordshire) : Publ. at by the author, 1902. - 16 p. - One penny. Без обложки
Брошюра. Furnival William James. The Conscientions objecto: Who he is! What he has! What he wants! And why! [Text] / by W.J.Furnival. - Stone (Staffordshire) : Publ. at by the author, 1902. - 16 p. - One penny. Без обложки
Брошюра. Furnival William James. The Conscientions objecto: Who he is! What he has! What he wants! And why! [Text] / by W.J.Furnival. - Stone (Staffordshire) : Publ. at by the author, 1902. - 16 p. - One penny. Без обложки
Без обложки. На титульном листе типографским шрифтом разного вида даны библиографические сведения на английском языке (красной печатью); со следами сложения вдоль.


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