An historical Account of the British Trade over the Caspian Sea. V. 1: with a Journal of Travels from England through Russia into Persia, and back through Russia, Germany and Holland, to which are added, the revolutions of Persia during the present centur — 16450552

An historical Account of the British Trade over the Caspian Sea. V. 1: with a Journal of Travels from England through Russia into Persia, and back through Russia, Germany and Holland, to which are added, the revolutions of Persia during the present centur
An historical Account of the British Trade over the Caspian Sea. V. 1: with a Journal of Travels from England through Russia into Persia, and back through Russia, Germany and Holland, to which are added, the revolutions of Persia during the present centur
Книга обычного формата в цельнокожаном коричневом, на картоне, переплете, с золотым тиснением на корешке. Бумага: белая, верже, антиква, линейные бордюры. Язык: английский


  • Адрес: обл Саратовская, г Саратов, ул Первомайская, д 75