Sterne Laurence. Letters of the late Rev. Mr. Laurence Sterne, To his most intimate Friends, on various occasions, as published by his daughter Mrs. Medalle and others: and including the letters between Yorick and Eliza. To which are added, an Appendix of — 16214282

Sterne Laurence. Letters of the late Rev. Mr. Laurence Sterne, To his most intimate Friends, on various occasions, as published by his daughter Mrs. Medalle and others: and including the letters between Yorick and Eliza. To which are added, an Appendix of
Sterne Laurence. Letters of the late Rev. Mr. Laurence Sterne, To his most intimate Friends, on various occasions, as published by his daughter Mrs. Medalle and others: and including the letters between Yorick and Eliza. To which are added, an Appendix of
Полукожаный переплет. На корешке блинт. орнамент. тисн., красная бум. наклейка с вытисн. загл. и зеленая – с номером тома. Форзацы голубой бумаги. Зеленый обрез.


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