Shakespeare William. William Shakspeare's Selected Plays, from the last edition of Johnson and Steevens; With brief explanatory notes, extracted from various commentators. Vol. 4: King Lear. - Macbeth.- Avignon. Printed and sold by Seguin freres, 1809.- 2 — 16213561

Shakespeare William. William Shakspeare's Selected Plays, from the last edition of Johnson and Steevens; With brief explanatory notes, extracted from various commentators. Vol. 4: King Lear. - Macbeth.- Avignon. Printed and sold by Seguin freres, 1809.- 2
Shakespeare William. William Shakspeare's Selected Plays, from the last edition of Johnson and Steevens; With brief explanatory notes, extracted from various commentators. Vol. 4: King Lear. - Macbeth.- Avignon. Printed and sold by Seguin freres, 1809.- 2
Цельнокожаный переплет с травлением под древесину. На корешке тисненый золотом орнамент, имя авт. "Shakspear", номер тома. Тисненая золотом полоса на ребре крышки. Форзацы мраморной бумаги. Мраморный обрез.


  • Адрес: г Москва, г Москва, ул Пречистенка, д 12