Книгa. The Bolshevik revolution: its rise and meaning. With additional chapter, comp. by Ivy Litvinoff from notes left by her husband, bringing the record down to the end of 1918. 3d and enl. ed. London. British socialist party. 1919 г. (На англ. яз.). (Б — 16150492

Книгa. The Bolshevik revolution: its rise and meaning. With additional chapter, comp. by Ivy Litvinoff from notes left by her husband, bringing the record down to the end of 1918. 3d and enl. ed. London. British socialist party. 1919 г. (На англ. яз.). (Б
Книгa. The Bolshevik revolution: its rise and meaning. With additional chapter, comp. by Ivy Litvinoff from notes left by her husband, bringing the record down to the end of 1918. 3d and enl. ed. London. British socialist party. 1919 г. (На англ. яз.). (Б
Книгa. The Bolshevik revolution: its rise and meaning. With additional chapter, comp. by Ivy Litvinoff from notes left by her husband, bringing the record down to the end of 1918. 3d and enl. ed. London. British socialist party. 1919 г. (На англ. яз.). (Б
Книга в обл. из плотной бумаги. Корешок прошит белыми нитками.


  • Адрес: обл Московская, р-н Ленинский, пгт Горки Ленинские, ул Центральная, д 1