Брошюра. The Soviet at work. A discussion of the problem faced by the Soviet government of Russia after the revolution. Programme address before the Soviets. April, 1918. Clasgow. The Socialist information and research bureau. 1919 г. (На англ. яз.). (Сов — 16150524

Брошюра. The Soviet at work. A discussion of the problem faced by the Soviet government of Russia after the revolution. Programme address before the Soviets. April, 1918. Clasgow. The Socialist information and research bureau. 1919 г. (На англ. яз.). (Сов
Брошюра. The Soviet at work. A discussion of the problem faced by the Soviet government of Russia after the revolution. Programme address before the Soviets. April, 1918. Clasgow. The Socialist information and research bureau. 1919 г. (На англ. яз.). (Сов
Брошюра. The Soviet at work. A discussion of the problem faced by the Soviet government of Russia after the revolution. Programme address before the Soviets. April, 1918. Clasgow. The Socialist information and research bureau. 1919 г. (На англ. яз.). (Сов
Брошюра в обл. из плотной бумаги. Корешок прошит белыми нитками.


  • Адрес: обл Московская, р-н Ленинский, пгт Горки Ленинские, ул Центральная, д 1