Брошюра. British labour delegates in red Petrograd. The plenum of the Trade unions council of the province of Petrograd12th may, 1920. (Speeches and resolutions). Petrograd. Trade unions council of province of Petrograd. 1920 г. (На англ. яз.) (Делегаты а — 16150035

Брошюра. British labour delegates in red Petrograd. The plenum of the Trade unions council of the province of Petrograd12th may, 1920. (Speeches and resolutions). Petrograd. Trade unions council of province of Petrograd. 1920 г. (На англ. яз.) (Делегаты а
Брошюра. British labour delegates in red Petrograd. The plenum of the Trade unions council of the province of Petrograd12th may, 1920. (Speeches and resolutions). Petrograd. Trade unions council of province of Petrograd. 1920 г. (На англ. яз.) (Делегаты а
Брошюра. British labour delegates in red Petrograd. The plenum of the Trade unions council of the province of Petrograd12th may, 1920. (Speeches and resolutions). Petrograd. Trade unions council of province of Petrograd. 1920 г. (На англ. яз.) (Делегаты а
Брошюра в обл. из плотной бумаги. Корешок прошит белыми нитками.


  • Адрес: обл Московская, р-н Ленинский, пгт Горки Ленинские, ул Центральная, д 1