Брошюра. The first code of laws of the Russian Socialist Federal Soviet Republic. Ed. by the People"s commisariat of justice, Petrograd. With a forew. by P. Lapin. Glasgow. Socialist information and research bureau. 1920 г. (На обл. загл.: The laws of the — 16150043

Брошюра. The first code of laws of the Russian Socialist Federal Soviet Republic. Ed. by the People"s commisariat of justice, Petrograd. With a forew. by P. Lapin. Glasgow. Socialist information and research bureau. 1920 г. (На обл. загл.: The laws of the
Брошюра. The first code of laws of the Russian Socialist Federal Soviet Republic. Ed. by the People"s commisariat of justice, Petrograd. With a forew. by P. Lapin. Glasgow. Socialist information and research bureau. 1920 г. (На обл. загл.: The laws of the
Брошюра. The first code of laws of the Russian Socialist Federal Soviet Republic. Ed. by the People"s commisariat of justice, Petrograd. With a forew. by P. Lapin. Glasgow. Socialist information and research bureau. 1920 г. (На обл. загл.: The laws of the
Брошюра в обл. из плотной бумаги. Корешок прошит белыми нитками.


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