Godey's lady's book, and Ladies' american magazine. Edited by Mrs. Saran J. Hale, Mrs. Lydia H. Sigourney, and Louis A. Godey. Volume. XX. - from january to june. Volume. XXI. - from july to december. Philadelphia: Louis A. Godey, 211 Chestnut street, — 15203507

Godey's lady's book, and Ladies' american magazine. Edited by Mrs. Saran J. Hale, Mrs. Lydia H. Sigourney,  and Louis A. Godey. Volume. XX. - from january to june. Volume. XXI. - from july to december. Philadelphia: Louis A. Godey,  211 Chestnut street,
Godey's lady's book, and Ladies' american magazine. Edited by Mrs. Saran J. Hale, Mrs. Lydia H. Sigourney,  and Louis A. Godey. Volume. XX. - from january to june. Volume. XXI. - from july to december. Philadelphia: Louis A. Godey,  211 Chestnut street,
Godey's lady's book, and Ladies' american magazine. Edited by Mrs. Saran J. Hale, Mrs. Lydia H. Sigourney,  and Louis A. Godey. Volume. XX. - from january to june. Volume. XXI. - from july to december. Philadelphia: Louis A. Godey,  211 Chestnut street,
Godey's lady's book, and Ladies' american magazine. Edited by Mrs. Saran J. Hale, Mrs. Lydia H. Sigourney,  and Louis A. Godey. Volume. XX. - from january to june. Volume. XXI. - from july to december. Philadelphia: Louis A. Godey,  211 Chestnut street,
твердый, полукожанный (углы и корешок обтянуты кожей), темно-зеленого цвета. Корешок кругленный, коричневого цвета. На корешке название книги и орнамент выполненны углубленным красочным тиснением золотого цвета. На верхней переплетной крышке углубленным красочным тиснением выведено имя владельца книги "Adeline N. Pattee" . Книжный блок сшит. Обрез крапчатый, коричневого цвета


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