Книга. Gallery of British artists from the days of Hogarth to the present time, or series of 288 engravings of their most approved productionsт selected, arranged by G.Hamilton. В 4-х томах. Том 3. - Paris: Baudry, Librairie europeenne, 9,rue du coq, pres — 9732274

Книга. Gallery of British artists from the days of Hogarth to the present time, or series of 288 engravings of their most approved productionsт selected, arranged by G.Hamilton. В 4-х томах. Том 3. - Paris: Baudry, Librairie europeenne, 9,rue du coq, pres
Книга. Gallery of British artists from the days of Hogarth to the present time, or series of 288 engravings of their most approved productionsт selected, arranged by G.Hamilton. В 4-х томах. Том 3. - Paris: Baudry, Librairie europeenne, 9,rue du coq, pres
Книга во владельческом переплете, на корешке художественное тиснение:"GALLERY OF BRITISH ARTISTS vol.III".


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