Книга. Линева, Евгения. The Peasant songs of Great Russia [Text] : as they are in the folk's harmonization / collected and transcribed from phonograms by Eugenie Lineff ... ; published by the Imperial Academy of science. - The first series. - St.Petersbur — 9060990

Книга. Линева, Евгения. The Peasant songs of Great Russia [Text] : as they are in the folk's harmonization / collected and transcribed from phonograms by Eugenie Lineff ... ; published by the Imperial Academy of science. - The first series. - St.Petersbur
Книга. Линева, Евгения. The Peasant songs of Great Russia [Text] : as they are in the folk's harmonization / collected and transcribed from phonograms by Eugenie Lineff ... ; published by the Imperial Academy of science. - The first series. - St.Petersbur
Книга. Линева, Евгения. The Peasant songs of Great Russia [Text] : as they are in the folk's harmonization / collected and transcribed from phonograms by Eugenie Lineff ... ; published by the Imperial Academy of science. - The first series. - St.Petersbur
Книга. Линева, Евгения. The Peasant songs of Great Russia [Text] : as they are in the folk's harmonization / collected and transcribed from phonograms by Eugenie Lineff ... ; published by the Imperial Academy of science. - The first series. - St.Petersbur
Книга. Линева, Евгения. The Peasant songs of Great Russia [Text] : as they are in the folk's harmonization / collected and transcribed from phonograms by Eugenie Lineff ... ; published by the Imperial Academy of science. - The first series. - St.Petersbur
Книга. Линева, Евгения. The Peasant songs of Great Russia [Text] : as they are in the folk's harmonization / collected and transcribed from phonograms by Eugenie Lineff ... ; published by the Imperial Academy of science. - The first series. - St.Petersbur
В издательской шрифтовой обложке серого цвета. На с. 1 обложки и на титульном листе типографским шрифтом черного цвета разного размера даны библиографические сведения на английском языке; на авантитуле - название, в верхнем правом углу черными чернилами дарственная надпись автора; текст на английском и русском языках, страницы, пагинированные арабскими цифрами, содержат ноты; разрезана частично.


  • Адрес: обл Тульская, р-н Щекинский, д Ясная Поляна