Книга. Portraits of Rare and Curious birds, with their Descriptions, from the Menagery of Osterly Park in the County Middlesex — 8084769

Книга. Portraits of Rare and Curious birds, with their Descriptions, from the Menagery of Osterly Park in the County Middlesex
Книга. Portraits of Rare and Curious birds, with their Descriptions, from the Menagery of Osterly Park in the County Middlesex
Научная книга по орнитологии конца XVIII века, с гравюрами, раскрашенными вручную. В каталоге А. С. Хомякова отмечено как "редкое" издание


  • Адрес: г Москва, г Москва, ул Вавилова, д 57