Книга. A Natural history of hirds, most of which have not hitherto been either figured or described, and the rest, by reason of obscure, or too brief descriptions without figures, or of figures very ill designed, are hitherto but little known, containing — 8084606

Книга. A Natural history of hirds, most of which have not hitherto been either figured or described, and the rest, by reason of obscure, or  too brief descriptions without figures, or of figures very ill designed, are hitherto but little known, containing
Книга. A Natural history of hirds, most of which have not hitherto been either figured or described, and the rest, by reason of obscure, or  too brief descriptions without figures, or of figures very ill designed, are hitherto but little known, containing
Научная книга по орнитологии начала XIX века. Переиздание труда XVIII века по орнитологии, Георга Эдвардса, "отца британской орнитологии", с гравюрами на меди, раскрашенными вручную. По каталогу Хомякова: "очень редкое" издание.


  • Адрес: г Москва, г Москва, ул Вавилова, д 57