Книга. Newton William Wilberforce. The Abiding value of first principles [Text] : a study in the problem of Church authority / by the Rev. Wm. Wilberforce Newton, D.D. - reprinted from the American Church Sunday School Magazine. - Philadelphia : T.C.Davis — 7690709

Книга. Newton William Wilberforce. The Abiding value of first principles [Text] : a study in the problem of Church authority / by the Rev. Wm. Wilberforce Newton, D.D. - reprinted from the American Church Sunday School Magazine. - Philadelphia : T.C.Davis
Книга. Newton William Wilberforce. The Abiding value of first principles [Text] : a study in the problem of Church authority / by the Rev. Wm. Wilberforce Newton, D.D. - reprinted from the American Church Sunday School Magazine. - Philadelphia : T.C.Davis
Книга. Newton William Wilberforce. The Abiding value of first principles [Text] : a study in the problem of Church authority / by the Rev. Wm. Wilberforce Newton, D.D. - reprinted from the American Church Sunday School Magazine. - Philadelphia : T.C.Davis
Книга. Newton William Wilberforce. The Abiding value of first principles [Text] : a study in the problem of Church authority / by the Rev. Wm. Wilberforce Newton, D.D. - reprinted from the American Church Sunday School Magazine. - Philadelphia : T.C.Davis
Книга. Newton William Wilberforce. The Abiding value of first principles [Text] : a study in the problem of Church authority / by the Rev. Wm. Wilberforce Newton, D.D. - reprinted from the American Church Sunday School Magazine. - Philadelphia : T.C.Davis
Книга. Newton William Wilberforce. The Abiding value of first principles [Text] : a study in the problem of Church authority / by the Rev. Wm. Wilberforce Newton, D.D. - reprinted from the American Church Sunday School Magazine. - Philadelphia : T.C.Davis
В издательской обложке серого цвета с бумажной наклейкой белого цвета. На с.1 обложки – бумажная наклейка (9,0х8,8), на наклейке и на титульном листе – библиографические сведения в линейной рамке серого цвета на английском языке серым шрифтом разного размера; на обороте титульного листа – посвящение главному редактору Воскресной Церковно-приходской школы Америки; типографский текст на английском языке; на колонтитулах – название и подзаголовок книги заглавным шрифтом.


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