Журнал. The Monist [Text] : a quarterly magazine. Devoted to the Philosophy of Science. Vol. 9, № 2 (January, 1899) / editor Dr. Paul Carus; assistant editor T.J. McCormack. - Chicago : The Open Court Publishing Company, 1899. - [2], [161]-320, [12] p. Об — 6088073

Журнал. The Monist [Text] : a quarterly magazine. Devoted to the Philosophy of Science. Vol. 9, № 2 (January, 1899) / editor Dr. Paul Carus; assistant editor T.J. McCormack. - Chicago : The Open Court Publishing Company, 1899. - [2], [161]-320, [12] p. Об
Журнал. The Monist [Text] : a quarterly magazine. Devoted to the Philosophy of Science. Vol. 9, № 2 (January, 1899) / editor Dr. Paul Carus; assistant editor T.J. McCormack. - Chicago : The Open Court Publishing Company, 1899. - [2], [161]-320, [12] p. Об
Журнал. The Monist [Text] : a quarterly magazine. Devoted to the Philosophy of Science. Vol. 9, № 2 (January, 1899) / editor Dr. Paul Carus; assistant editor T.J. McCormack. - Chicago : The Open Court Publishing Company, 1899. - [2], [161]-320, [12] p. Об
Журнал. The Monist [Text] : a quarterly magazine. Devoted to the Philosophy of Science. Vol. 9, № 2 (January, 1899) / editor Dr. Paul Carus; assistant editor T.J. McCormack. - Chicago : The Open Court Publishing Company, 1899. - [2], [161]-320, [12] p. Об
Журнал. The Monist [Text] : a quarterly magazine. Devoted to the Philosophy of Science. Vol. 9, № 2 (January, 1899) / editor Dr. Paul Carus; assistant editor T.J. McCormack. - Chicago : The Open Court Publishing Company, 1899. - [2], [161]-320, [12] p. Об
Журнал. The Monist [Text] : a quarterly magazine. Devoted to the Philosophy of Science. Vol. 9, № 2 (January, 1899) / editor Dr. Paul Carus; assistant editor T.J. McCormack. - Chicago : The Open Court Publishing Company, 1899. - [2], [161]-320, [12] p. Об
В издательской шрифтовой светло-серой обложке. На с. 1 обложки и на титульном листе черным шрифтом разного размера даны библиографические сведения и содержание на английском языке, на корешке - название журнала, дата и номер выпуска; на с. 2, 3-4 обложки и на с. [1-2] в начале пагинации и на с. [1-12] в конце - издательский анонс и информация рекламного характера; на обороте титульного листа - информация о защите авторских прав; пагинация продолжающегося издания. Не разрезан.


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