Книга. Sadler`s abridgment of Lingard`s history of England, from the invasion of J.Caesar to James II; Abridged for the first time, and continued from that period to 1835. Illustrated with a coloured map of England, showing the ancient and modern division — 4701839

Книга. Sadler`s abridgment of Lingard`s history of England, from the invasion of J.Caesar to James II; Abridged for the first time, and continued from that period to 1835. Illustrated with a coloured map of England, showing the ancient and modern division
Книга. Sadler`s abridgment of Lingard`s history of England, from the invasion of J.Caesar to James II; Abridged for the first time, and continued from that period to 1835. Illustrated with a coloured map of England, showing the ancient and modern division
Книга. Sadler`s abridgment of Lingard`s history of England, from the invasion of J.Caesar to James II; Abridged for the first time, and continued from that period to 1835. Illustrated with a coloured map of England, showing the ancient and modern division
Книга. Sadler`s abridgment of Lingard`s history of England, from the invasion of J.Caesar to James II; Abridged for the first time, and continued from that period to 1835. Illustrated with a coloured map of England, showing the ancient and modern division
Книга. Sadler`s abridgment of Lingard`s history of England, from the invasion of J.Caesar to James II; Abridged for the first time, and continued from that period to 1835. Illustrated with a coloured map of England, showing the ancient and modern division
Книга. Sadler`s abridgment of Lingard`s history of England, from the invasion of J.Caesar to James II; Abridged for the first time, and continued from that period to 1835. Illustrated with a coloured map of England, showing the ancient and modern division
Твердый переплет оклеен бумагой с мраморными пятнами коричневых оттенков. На корешке на фрагменте зеленой бумаги золотым тиснением название и биги. Бумага бомбицина. Шрифт гражданский. На обороте листа 1-го форзаца приклеен листок с переводом названия книги (шариковая ручка, рука Л.Е.Максимовой). На форзаце и титуле цифровые записи карандашами и чернилами. на английском яз.


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