Книга. Grant J. A summary of the history of the English church, and of the sects which have departed from its communion; With answers to each dissenting body on its pretended grounds of separation. In two volumes. Vol.IV: Continuing the narrative through — 4018338

Книга. Grant J.  A summary of the history of the English church, and of the sects which have departed from its communion; With answers to each dissenting body on its pretended grounds of separation. In two volumes. Vol.IV: Continuing the narrative through
Книга. Grant J.  A summary of the history of the English church, and of the sects which have departed from its communion; With answers to each dissenting body on its pretended grounds of separation. In two volumes. Vol.IV: Continuing the narrative through
Книга. Grant J.  A summary of the history of the English church, and of the sects which have departed from its communion; With answers to each dissenting body on its pretended grounds of separation. In two volumes. Vol.IV: Continuing the narrative through
Книга. Grant J.  A summary of the history of the English church, and of the sects which have departed from its communion; With answers to each dissenting body on its pretended grounds of separation. In two volumes. Vol.IV: Continuing the narrative through
Книга. Grant J.  A summary of the history of the English church, and of the sects which have departed from its communion; With answers to each dissenting body on its pretended grounds of separation. In two volumes. Vol.IV: Continuing the narrative through
Книга. Grant J.  A summary of the history of the English church, and of the sects which have departed from its communion; With answers to each dissenting body on its pretended grounds of separation. In two volumes. Vol.IV: Continuing the narrative through
Твердый переплет оклеен коричневой бумагой. На корешке тиснение номера тома. Бумага бомбицина. Печать высокая. На форзаце приклеен фрагмент бумаги с переводом (рукою Л.Е.Максимовой). на английском яз.


  • Адрес: обл Орловская, г Орёл, ул 7 Ноября, д 20