Книга [Mather Cotton]. Utilia. Real and vital religion served, in the various & glorious intentions of it [Text] : with eight essays upon important subjects, which have a serviceable aspect upon it ... / [a preface of Dr. Increase Mather]. - Boston : T — 28797369

Книга [Mather Cotton]. Utilia. Real and vital religion served, in the various & glorious intentions of it [Text] :  with eight essays upon important subjects, which have a serviceable aspect upon it ... / [a preface of Dr. Increase Mather]. - Boston : T
Книга [Mather Cotton]. Utilia. Real and vital religion served, in the various & glorious intentions of it [Text] :  with eight essays upon important subjects, which have a serviceable aspect upon it ... / [a preface of Dr. Increase Mather]. - Boston : T
Книга [Mather Cotton]. Utilia. Real and vital religion served, in the various & glorious intentions of it [Text] :  with eight essays upon important subjects, which have a serviceable aspect upon it ... / [a preface of Dr. Increase Mather]. - Boston : T
Книга [Mather Cotton]. Utilia. Real and vital religion served, in the various & glorious intentions of it [Text] :  with eight essays upon important subjects, which have a serviceable aspect upon it ... / [a preface of Dr. Increase Mather]. - Boston : T
Книга [Mather Cotton]. Utilia. Real and vital religion served, in the various & glorious intentions of it [Text] :  with eight essays upon important subjects, which have a serviceable aspect upon it ... / [a preface of Dr. Increase Mather]. - Boston : T
Книга [Mather Cotton]. Utilia. Real and vital religion served, in the various & glorious intentions of it [Text] :  with eight essays upon important subjects, which have a serviceable aspect upon it ... / [a preface of Dr. Increase Mather]. - Boston : T
Книга [Mather Cotton]. Utilia. Real and vital religion served, in the various & glorious intentions of it [Text] :  with eight essays upon important subjects, which have a serviceable aspect upon it ... / [a preface of Dr. Increase Mather]. - Boston : T
Во владельческом цельнокожаном переплете коричневого цвета. На крышках переплете следы тиснения в виде рамки по периметру, на внутренней стороне нижней крышки записи графитным карандашом и черными чернилами на английском языке; на корешке слабый след названия; на титульном листе в двойной линейной рамке черным типографским шрифтом разного размера даны библиографические сведения и оглавление на английском языке, ниже цитата из Эразмуса на латыни; на с. [3] - [7] предисловие, на с. [8] предисловие автора; в верхнем колонтитуле названия глав; ошибочно пагинированы с. 141, 202 и 211, но аккуратно исправлены черными чернилами; утрачены последние две страницы; в книге множество помет рукой Толстого (?) в виде перечеркиваний, крестов и записей черными чернилами и графитным карандашом.


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