Книга. Tolstoy, Lev. War and peace [Text] : a historial novel ; The Invasion 1807 - 1812 : [in] 2 vol. Vol. 2 / by count Léon Tolstoï ; translated into French by a Russian ladyi [pseud.] and from the French by Clara Bell. - Revised and corrected in the U — 27636683

Книга. Tolstoy, Lev. War and peace [Text] : a historial novel ; The Invasion 1807 - 1812 : [in] 2 vol. Vol. 2 /  by count Léon Tolstoï ; translated into French by a Russian ladyi [pseud.] and from the French by Clara Bell. - Revised and corrected in the U
Книга. Tolstoy, Lev. War and peace [Text] : a historial novel ; The Invasion 1807 - 1812 : [in] 2 vol. Vol. 2 /  by count Léon Tolstoï ; translated into French by a Russian ladyi [pseud.] and from the French by Clara Bell. - Revised and corrected in the U
Книга. Tolstoy, Lev. War and peace [Text] : a historial novel ; The Invasion 1807 - 1812 : [in] 2 vol. Vol. 2 /  by count Léon Tolstoï ; translated into French by a Russian ladyi [pseud.] and from the French by Clara Bell. - Revised and corrected in the U
Книга. Tolstoy, Lev. War and peace [Text] : a historial novel ; The Invasion 1807 - 1812 : [in] 2 vol. Vol. 2 /  by count Léon Tolstoï ; translated into French by a Russian ladyi [pseud.] and from the French by Clara Bell. - Revised and corrected in the U
Книга. Tolstoy, Lev. War and peace [Text] : a historial novel ; The Invasion 1807 - 1812 : [in] 2 vol. Vol. 2 /  by count Léon Tolstoï ; translated into French by a Russian ladyi [pseud.] and from the French by Clara Bell. - Revised and corrected in the U
Книга. Tolstoy, Lev. War and peace [Text] : a historial novel ; The Invasion 1807 - 1812 : [in] 2 vol. Vol. 2 /  by count Léon Tolstoï ; translated into French by a Russian ladyi [pseud.] and from the French by Clara Bell. - Revised and corrected in the U
Книга. Tolstoy, Lev. War and peace [Text] : a historial novel ; The Invasion 1807 - 1812 : [in] 2 vol. Vol. 2 /  by count Léon Tolstoï ; translated into French by a Russian ladyi [pseud.] and from the French by Clara Bell. - Revised and corrected in the U
В издательском цельноколенкоровом переплете коричневого цвета, с тиснением. Переплетные крышки декорированы многоуровневой линейно-декоративной рамкой (тиснение черной краской), на верхней переплетной крышке на фоне гербовых орлов России и Франции - заглавие на английском языке, на корешке, на фоне декоративных поперечных полос, - автор, заглавие, номер тома и издательство (золототиснением); книжный блок скруглен, форзац и нахзац темно-коричневые; титульный лист шрифтовой (черной печатью), на обороте титульного листа - уточняющая информация, в конце пагинации, на с. [1-10], - книжная реклама; в начале и в конце книжного блока - сохранные листы.


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