Книга. Macdowall, Cameron Joseph Francis Stuart. Parisiana; (The real truth about the bombardment) or, The Volunteer with the besieged armies, 1870-71 [Text] : adventure, anecdote, and active service. / by Cameron Stuart Macdowal... - L. : Provost & Co, 1 — 27622775

Книга. Macdowall, Cameron Joseph Francis Stuart. Parisiana; (The real truth about the bombardment) or, The Volunteer with the besieged armies, 1870-71 [Text] : adventure, anecdote, and active service. / by Cameron Stuart Macdowal... - L. : Provost & Co, 1
Книга. Macdowall, Cameron Joseph Francis Stuart. Parisiana; (The real truth about the bombardment) or, The Volunteer with the besieged armies, 1870-71 [Text] : adventure, anecdote, and active service. / by Cameron Stuart Macdowal... - L. : Provost & Co, 1
Книга. Macdowall, Cameron Joseph Francis Stuart. Parisiana; (The real truth about the bombardment) or, The Volunteer with the besieged armies, 1870-71 [Text] : adventure, anecdote, and active service. / by Cameron Stuart Macdowal... - L. : Provost & Co, 1
Книга. Macdowall, Cameron Joseph Francis Stuart. Parisiana; (The real truth about the bombardment) or, The Volunteer with the besieged armies, 1870-71 [Text] : adventure, anecdote, and active service. / by Cameron Stuart Macdowal... - L. : Provost & Co, 1
Книга. Macdowall, Cameron Joseph Francis Stuart. Parisiana; (The real truth about the bombardment) or, The Volunteer with the besieged armies, 1870-71 [Text] : adventure, anecdote, and active service. / by Cameron Stuart Macdowal... - L. : Provost & Co, 1
Книга. Macdowall, Cameron Joseph Francis Stuart. Parisiana; (The real truth about the bombardment) or, The Volunteer with the besieged armies, 1870-71 [Text] : adventure, anecdote, and active service. / by Cameron Stuart Macdowal... - L. : Provost & Co, 1
Книга. Macdowall, Cameron Joseph Francis Stuart. Parisiana; (The real truth about the bombardment) or, The Volunteer with the besieged armies, 1870-71 [Text] : adventure, anecdote, and active service. / by Cameron Stuart Macdowal... - L. : Provost & Co, 1
В издательском картонном переплете. Картонные крышки трехцветные (зелено-бежево-красного цвета),на верхней переплетной крышке на фоне сюжетно-тематической иллюстрации черным типографским шрифтом разного вида и размера даны библиографические сведения на английском языке, на корешке - заглавие; форзац и нахзац белые; титульный лист шрифтовой (черной печатью), вверху и внизу - дарственная надпись (рукой дарителя, черными чернилами), на фронтисписе - сюжетно-тематическая иллюстрация обложки с аннотацией; после с. XVI - лист с картой (черной и красной печати; сложен по верхнему и нижнему краям); между с. VIII-XIX - издательская вклейка с указанием опечаток (белая бумага с черной печатью).


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