Книга. Lewes, George Henry. The Life and works of Goethe [Text] : with sketches of his age and contemporaries, from published and unpublished sources. Vol. 1 / by G.H.Lewes. - 2-nd edition, revised by the author. - Leipzig : F.A.Brockhaus, 1858. - XX, 379 — 26207666

Книга. Lewes, George Henry. The Life and works of Goethe [Text] : with sketches of his age and contemporaries, from published and unpublished sources. Vol. 1 / by G.H.Lewes. - 2-nd edition, revised by the author. - Leipzig : F.A.Brockhaus, 1858. - XX, 379
Книга. Lewes, George Henry. The Life and works of Goethe [Text] : with sketches of his age and contemporaries, from published and unpublished sources. Vol. 1 / by G.H.Lewes. - 2-nd edition, revised by the author. - Leipzig : F.A.Brockhaus, 1858. - XX, 379
Книга. Lewes, George Henry. The Life and works of Goethe [Text] : with sketches of his age and contemporaries, from published and unpublished sources. Vol. 1 / by G.H.Lewes. - 2-nd edition, revised by the author. - Leipzig : F.A.Brockhaus, 1858. - XX, 379
Книга. Lewes, George Henry. The Life and works of Goethe [Text] : with sketches of his age and contemporaries, from published and unpublished sources. Vol. 1 / by G.H.Lewes. - 2-nd edition, revised by the author. - Leipzig : F.A.Brockhaus, 1858. - XX, 379
Книга. Lewes, George Henry. The Life and works of Goethe [Text] : with sketches of his age and contemporaries, from published and unpublished sources. Vol. 1 / by G.H.Lewes. - 2-nd edition, revised by the author. - Leipzig : F.A.Brockhaus, 1858. - XX, 379
Книга. Lewes, George Henry. The Life and works of Goethe [Text] : with sketches of his age and contemporaries, from published and unpublished sources. Vol. 1 / by G.H.Lewes. - 2-nd edition, revised by the author. - Leipzig : F.A.Brockhaus, 1858. - XX, 379
В издательской шрифтовой обложке бежевого цвета (с. 3-4 обложки утрачены); корешок проклеен желто-бежевой бумагой. На с. 1 обложки в линейной рамке с виньетками в углах черным типографским шрифтом разного вида и размера даны библиографические сведения на английском языке, вдоль внутреннего поля приклеена узкая полоса белой бумаги; титульный лист шрифтовой (черной печатью), в нижней части - издательская марка, на авантитуле - заглавие и номер тома, на с. [III] - посвящение, слева вверху приклеен фрагмент белой бумаги с уточняющей информацией о месте хранения и владельческой принадлежности (рукой С.А. Толстой, черными чернилами; зачеркнута графитным карандашом).


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