Книга. Sanders Charles Walton. Sanders' Rhetorical, or, union sixth reader [Text] : embracing a full exposition of the principles of rhetorical reading : with numerous specimens, both in prose and poetry, from the best writers, English and American, as ex — 26207711

Книга. Sanders Charles Walton. Sanders' Rhetorical, or, union sixth reader [Text] : embracing a full exposition of the principles of rhetorical reading : with numerous specimens, both in prose and poetry, from the best writers, English and American, as ex
Книга. Sanders Charles Walton. Sanders' Rhetorical, or, union sixth reader [Text] : embracing a full exposition of the principles of rhetorical reading : with numerous specimens, both in prose and poetry, from the best writers, English and American, as ex
Книга. Sanders Charles Walton. Sanders' Rhetorical, or, union sixth reader [Text] : embracing a full exposition of the principles of rhetorical reading : with numerous specimens, both in prose and poetry, from the best writers, English and American, as ex
Книга. Sanders Charles Walton. Sanders' Rhetorical, or, union sixth reader [Text] : embracing a full exposition of the principles of rhetorical reading : with numerous specimens, both in prose and poetry, from the best writers, English and American, as ex
Книга. Sanders Charles Walton. Sanders' Rhetorical, or, union sixth reader [Text] : embracing a full exposition of the principles of rhetorical reading : with numerous specimens, both in prose and poetry, from the best writers, English and American, as ex
Книга. Sanders Charles Walton. Sanders' Rhetorical, or, union sixth reader [Text] : embracing a full exposition of the principles of rhetorical reading : with numerous specimens, both in prose and poetry, from the best writers, English and American, as ex
Книга. Sanders Charles Walton. Sanders' Rhetorical, or, union sixth reader [Text] : embracing a full exposition of the principles of rhetorical reading : with numerous specimens, both in prose and poetry, from the best writers, English and American, as ex
В издательском коленкоровом переплете черного цвета с кожаным зеленым корешком. На обеих крышках переплета слепым тиснением узорчатые рамки по периметру с фигурными уголками, на передней крышке в той же технике вензель из инициалов издателя в центре; на корешке слепым тиснением символические рисунки в квадратах, вверху золотым тиснением название, капталы зеленые, тройной обрез "павлинье перо" в красноватых тонах; форзацы розоватые; на титульном листе типографским шрифтом черного цвета разного размера даны библиографические сведения на английском языке, на обороте разрешение на печать; на с. [III] - IV предисловие, на с. V - X оглавление, на с. XI - XII алфавитный список авторов данной хрестоматии; в верхнем колонтитуле название учебника.


  • Адрес: обл Тульская, р-н Щекинский, д Ясная Поляна