Порт Константинополя. Лист из альбома«Aya Sofia Constantinople, as recently restored by order of H.M. the sultan Abdul Medjid from the original drawings by chevalier Caspard Fossati. lithographed by Louis Haghe esq.» — 26028216

Порт Константинополя. Лист из альбома«Aya Sofia Constantinople, as recently restored by order of H.M. the sultan Abdul Medjid from the original drawings by chevalier Caspard Fossati. lithographed by Louis Haghe esq.»
Порт Константинополя. Лист из альбома«Aya Sofia Constantinople, as recently restored by order of H.M. the sultan Abdul Medjid from the original drawings by chevalier Caspard Fossati. lithographed by Louis Haghe esq.»


  • Адрес: г Москва, г Москва, пл Красная, д 1