Книга. Murchison's Wanderings in Russia: His Geological Exploration of Russia in Europe and the Ural Mountains,1840 and 1841 — 23962045

Книга. Murchison's Wanderings in Russia: His Geological Exploration of Russia in Europe and the Ural Mountains,1840 and 1841
Книга. Murchison's Wanderings in Russia: His Geological Exploration of Russia in Europe and the Ural Mountains,1840 and 1841
Переплет - картон, оклеен зеленым ледерином, с «золотым» тиснением: «Murchison's Wanderings in Russia» (на верхней крышке и корешке).


  • Адрес: край Пермский, г Пермь, ул Монастырская, д 11