Книга. Beauties […] containing the most prominent and interesting passages in the works of that illustrious historian, being the lives asnd characters of the principal personages, together with the most memorable events, delineated by him in his histories — 23707677

Книга. Beauties […] containing the most prominent and interesting passages in the works of that illustrious historian, being the lives asnd characters of the principal personages, together with the most memorable events, delineated by him in his histories
Книга. Beauties […] containing the most prominent and interesting passages in the works of that illustrious historian, being the lives asnd characters of the principal personages, together with the most memorable events, delineated by him in his histories
иблиотека владельцев усадьбы Мураново, собранная ими с 1816 по 1916 г., находившаяся в усадебном доме в октябре 1918 г. (момент принятия усадьбы Мураново Отделом по делам музеев и охр. памятников искусства и старины в свое ведение) и записанная в инвентарных книгах книжного фонда I-IX, заведенных в 1950 г. - I я, (10/II-5/VIII); 17/VIII-12/XI 1950 г. - II-я; 20/XI-1950 г. - 7/IV-1951 г. - III я; 15/IV-20/XII - 1951 г - IV-я; и числящаяся в этих книгах за следующими номерами: Книга I. №№ 1-525, 527-1248, 1250-1440, 1442-2000. Книга II №№ 2001-2308, 2310-3375, 3377-4000. Книга III. №№ 4001-4598, 4600-4715, 472117-5114, 5116-6000. Книга IV. №№ 6001-6208, 6210-6523, 6526-6720, 6722-6919, 6921-6929, 6931-7267, 7278-7291, 7293-7294, 7303-7336, 7338-7390, 7392-7394, 7396-7741, 7715-7988, 7990-8000. ИК-III:Robertson W. Beauties... containing the most prominent...


  • Адрес: обл Московская, р-н Пушкинский, д Мураново