Голубов Сергей Николаевич. No easy victories: a novel of general Bagration and the campaign of 1812 /S. Golubow ; translated J. Fineberg.- London etc. Hutchinson Internation Authors ltd., [1945 (?)].- 256 с — 22205971

Голубов Сергей Николаевич. No easy victories: a novel of general Bagration and the campaign of 1812 /S. Golubow ; translated J. Fineberg.- London etc. Hutchinson Internation Authors ltd., [1945 (?)].- 256 с
Голубов Сергей Николаевич. No easy victories: a novel of general Bagration and the campaign of 1812 /S. Golubow ; translated J. Fineberg.- London etc. Hutchinson Internation Authors ltd., [1945 (?)].- 256 с
Издательский коленкоровый переплет.


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