Книга. A second series of curiosities of literature: consisting of researches in literary, biographical and political history, of critical and philosophical inguiries; and of secret history. Par I. D'Israell. In three volumes. Volume 3. London, John Murra — 21200810

Книга. A second series of curiosities of literature: consisting of researches in literary, biographical and political history, of critical and philosophical inguiries; and of secret history. Par I. D'Israell. In three volumes. Volume 3. London, John Murra
Книга. A second series of curiosities of literature: consisting of researches in literary, biographical and political history, of critical and philosophical inguiries; and of secret history. Par I. D'Israell. In three volumes. Volume 3. London, John Murra
На титуле погашенный штамп ГПБ г. Ленинграда и типографской краской "B.L.S.P.".


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