Книга. Henderson, Mary Newton. The Aristocracy of health [Text] : a study of physical culture, our favorite poisons, and a National and International League for the advancement of physical culture / by Mary Foote Henderson. - Washington : The Colton publ — 21049699

Книга. Henderson, Mary Newton. The Aristocracy of health [Text] : a study of physical culture, our favorite poisons, and a National and International League for the advancement of physical culture /  by Mary Foote Henderson. - Washington : The Colton publ
Книга. Henderson, Mary Newton. The Aristocracy of health [Text] : a study of physical culture, our favorite poisons, and a National and International League for the advancement of physical culture /  by Mary Foote Henderson. - Washington : The Colton publ
Книга. Henderson, Mary Newton. The Aristocracy of health [Text] : a study of physical culture, our favorite poisons, and a National and International League for the advancement of physical culture /  by Mary Foote Henderson. - Washington : The Colton publ
Книга. Henderson, Mary Newton. The Aristocracy of health [Text] : a study of physical culture, our favorite poisons, and a National and International League for the advancement of physical culture /  by Mary Foote Henderson. - Washington : The Colton publ
Книга. Henderson, Mary Newton. The Aristocracy of health [Text] : a study of physical culture, our favorite poisons, and a National and International League for the advancement of physical culture /  by Mary Foote Henderson. - Washington : The Colton publ
Книга. Henderson, Mary Newton. The Aristocracy of health [Text] : a study of physical culture, our favorite poisons, and a National and International League for the advancement of physical culture /  by Mary Foote Henderson. - Washington : The Colton publ
Книга. Henderson, Mary Newton. The Aristocracy of health [Text] : a study of physical culture, our favorite poisons, and a National and International League for the advancement of physical culture /  by Mary Foote Henderson. - Washington : The Colton publ
В издательском цельноколенкоровом переплете бордового цвета с тиснением. На верхней переплетной крышке и на корешке - краткие библиографические сведения на английском языке (золототиснением), книжный блок скруглен, форзац и нахзац белые, с мелким цветочно-растительным рисунком желто-коричневого цвета, титульный лист шрифтовой (черной печатью, оформлен декоративной линейной рамкой), в нижней части - уточняющая информация (рукой автора черными чернилами), на авантитуле - заглавие, на обороте аванититула - дарственная надпись (рукой автора черными чернилами), на с. [V]-VII - авторское вступление; в конце книжного блока - сохранный лист.


  • Адрес: обл Тульская, р-н Щекинский, д Ясная Поляна